
welcome to my page feel free to explore. but theres really not that much to explore on but we can just pretend there is sshh...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


vote for kim.


Tuesday 8/6/10
sport day pretty much a very short day 2 periods english and pe bludge both lessons we had to learn a dancee gaaah i cannot dance to save my life. english we jst watched a movie 'Mansfield Park' pretty good actually i didnt think i would like it very much but i did :D then at the end of the day we had badminton for sport well we just sat around talking mainly.

Monday, June 7, 2010

tumblr is pretty cool.

the harry potter gang.


Monday 7/6/10
today school. well what can i say really its school nothing special but thank god this weekend is a long weekend and its so good because the canadian gp is on this weekend and the world cup starts finally its all here but if it wasnt a long weekend i think i was going to have to have the day off anyway but im hoping that netball is off and it will be a nice relaxing weekend and plus nanny is coming on wednesday wohoo.

Sunday, June 6, 2010



Sunday 6/6/10
well today was an alright day i suppose, had to get up quite early to go see granny. she hurt her back the other week so we have to go check on her. then after we saw her we went up to garnish (cafe) and had some lunch up there, said happy birthday to lorena and chatted a bit with people i also have to do this english thing due tomorrow but i tried to do it and its way to hard what am i going to say, gaaaaah im in deep shiat. mum had to go through my hair because ive been a bit itchy this week, hmmmm... not gooooood.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix 2010 [Highlights]

chuck ♥


Saturday 5/6/10
dear blog, today was a pretty boring day for a saturday i was suppose to some homework but that didnt really happen because basically i was not in the mood for doing homework besides i woke up at 12pm so yeah. i watched a bit of AFL, carlton won. andrew came over i wasnt going to talk to him because i knew he would bag me out about vettel but i gave in. jock and darcy popped in for a chat well they jumped on the trampoline and brenda come for a chat. anyways...

Friday, June 4, 2010

ch ch ch changing.


Friday 4/6/10
finally friday is here, that means the
weekend is close. too bad i have to do homework all of it, well if i dont get distracted of course. this also means that today i have to perform my drama play and i was really actually nervous. this is because im not much of an actress i really just signed up for it because everyone said it was really fun. today i also have to go ask one of my teachers how to do this random essay, me no likey essay's.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Formula 1 2009 Summary

your average day in paris


Thursday 3/6/10
i just have to say that i think thursdays are pretty boring days because you still have 1 whole day of school before the weekend. today was okay for a thursday though because we had welfare day so at least we didnt have to do school work (thats a plus). at the end of the welfare day we all did a self defense lesson do now i know how to protect myself if i ever get attacked. its possible that i will because 1 in every 23 thousand or something like that gets attacked. so for all you haters out there dont even think about coming to get me because i know your weak points, hahahaa.

talk soon xoxo poppy;